
In order to understand how to use and join database tables, MagiQL requires tables and their relationships to be defined in TableMappings.

Known Tables

Maps the KnownTable column from the ColumnDefinition to a database table. Defines whether the table is a data or stats table. Specifies the table alias to use in the SQL query.

Property Description
KnownTableName Matches the Column Definition
TableType Indicates whether a Data or Stats table
DbTable The DB table name.
Can use database.schema.table format
Alias A shortened table name alias to use when generating SQL

Table Relationships

Defines how each KnownTable is related to inform the system how to handle joins and include the required tables.

Property Description
LeftTable The left KnownTable
RightTable The right KnownTable
LeftTableColumn The join db column for the left table (foreign key)
RightTableColumn The join db column for the right table (foreign key)
RelationshipType The type of relationship between the 2 tables
IsDirect Whether the relationship is a primary link between the 2 tables which should be used for joins.


Value Description
OneToOne One row in the left table can only link to a single row in the right table
OneToMany One row in the left table can link to multiple rows in the right table
ManyToOne Multiple rows in the left table may link to a single row in the right table