Getting Started


There are 2 ways you can setup a MagiQL service. Either by cloning the MagiQL repository and editing the code, or by installing the MagiQL nuget packages into an empty project. The instructions below will be for the latter.

Installing as a WebAPI Service

To see an example WebAPI project, check out this example repository

Create an empty Web project and tick the checkbox to include webapi packages. Then install the following nuget packages

PM> Install-Package MagiQL.Service.WebAPI.Routes
PM> Install-Package MagiQL.Service.WebAPI.StructureMap

Edit Global.asax.cs

public class WebApiApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
    // enable if you want log4net
    // private static readonly ILog Log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
    protected void Application_Start()
            // enable if you want log4net
            // setup structuremap and configure datasources
                x =>
                    // your data source implementations
            // use the MagiQL API Controllers
        catch (Exception e)
                // enable if you want log4net
                // We're stuffed. 

Edit Web.config and replace the text in [ ]

    <add name="MagiQL" connectionString="Data Source=[db-server];Initial Catalog=[db-name];Persist Security Info=True;User ID=[username];Password=[password]" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

Data Adaptor Configuration

Now that you have setup an empty WebAPI project you will need to setup and register a DataAdaptor.

Create a new classs library project for the data adapter and add a project reference from the WebAPI project.

Install the following nuget packages

PM> Install-Package MagiQL.DataAdapters.Base 
PM> Install-Package MagiQL.QuickStart.DataAdapter

The second package will add some files to your data adaper project which contain a simple scenario for a 2 table setup. You should modify and rename these files to suit your requirements.

The files installed will be

  • Constants.cs - which identifies your datasource and specifies connection strings
  • KnownTables.cs - which specifies the available database table names
  • MyDataSource1.cs - the datasource
  • MyDataSourc1Components.cs - allows you to override behaviours by specifying custom query builder classes
  • MyDataSource1QueryBuilderBase.cs - defines basic query builder behaviour
  • MyDataSource1TableMappings.cs - defines the available database tables and their relationships

Edit your WebApi projects Global.asax.cs by uncommenting the line


And replacing ‘MyDataSource1’ with the name of the datasource class you just created.

To verify that the data adaptor has been setup browse to ‘/v1/platforms’ in your newly created WebAPI application where you should see the new DataSource listed.

Database Setup

MagiQL requires 2 tables to store column information and 1 table to store export statuses.

The scripts can be found here

The tables created are

  • ReportColumnMapping
  • ReportColumnMappingMetaData
  • ReportStatus

Column Setup

Once your database has been set up, you can then start to insert columns into the ReportColumnMapping table.

For details on values to insert please refer to Columm Definitions

Alternatively, you can install the DataExplorer UI and define columns through the web interface.

SQL Import Scripts

It is possible to write a script that will create columns directly from the database schema using [INFORMATION_SCHEMA].[COLUMNS] data.

This approach may be time saving if a lot of columns exist. An example of how this could work can be found here

Installing the DataExplorer UI

The WebApi service must be installed as a pre-requisite.

The DataExplorer UI will allow you to easily build and execute queries against your MagiQL service. It will also allow you to create and edit column definitions through a UI.

To install the DataExplorer, copy the code from here

And then edit the Web.Config to point to your MagiQL service instance.

    <add key="Services.ReportsService.BaseUrl" value="http://localhost:8088/" />

Installing Natively

It is possible to use the MagiQL service directly without exposing a WebAPI project, however the steps are not documented here.