Missing Summarize Data Query Builder

The DefaultMissingSummariseDataQueryBuilder class is used to include data from the SummarizeBy table in the query result when SummarizeBy is specified and the resulting data may not contain all possible records.

By enabling this class, the query builder will union the selected data, with the full summarize by set of data. Columns which were not populated by the data query will be null.

For example, if grouping by the Player_Id column, and summarizing by the Team_Id column - if there are any teams without any players, those teams would not be included in the result by default. By using this class, teams without players will be visible in the results.

To enable this functionality, create a class that inherits DefaultMissingSummariseDataQueryBuilder

public class MissingSummarizeDataQueryBuilder : DefaultMissingSummariseDataQueryBuilder
    public MissingSummarizeDataQueryBuilder(IDataSourceComponents dataSourceComponents) : base(dataSourceComponents){ }

    public override bool IsRequired(MappedSearchRequest request)
        return request.SummarizeByColumn != null
            && request.SummarizeByColumn.KnownTable == KnownTables.Team;

And then register it in your data source components

public class ExampleDataSourceComponents : DataSourceComponentsBase
    public ExampleDataSourceComponents(IColumnProvider columnProvider) : base(columnProvider){ } 

    protected override void RegisterComponents()
        MissingSummarizeDataQueryBuilder = new MissingSummarizeDataQueryBuilder(this);

You may wish to override other methods to support filters or join additional data.